Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 96:17
al-`Alaq - The Clot, Read
Verse: 96 : 17

< 96:18   96:16 >

al-`Alaq (The Clot, Read) 96:17

96:17 فليدع ناديه

TransliterationFalyadAAu nadiyahu
LiteralSo he should call his caller.

Yusuf AliThen, let him call (for help) to his council (of comrades):
PickthalThen let him call upon his henchmen!
Arberry So let him call on his concourse!
ShakirThen let him summon his council,
SarwarLet him call on his associates for help
KhalifaLet him then call on his helpers.
Hilali/KhanThen, let him call upon his council (of helpers),
H/K/SaheehThen let him call his associates;
MalikSo let him call his supporters for help,[17]
QXPLet him, then, call upon his advisory council.
Maulana AliThen let him summon his council,
Free MindsSo let him call on his supporter.
Qaribullah So, let him call upon his way!

George SaleAnd let him call his council to his assistance:
JM RodwellThen let him summon his associates;

Asadand then let him summon [to his aid] the counsels of his own [spurious] wisdom,

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