Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 79:8
an-Nazi'at - Those Who Drag Forth, Soul-snatchers, Those Who Pulled Out
Verse: 79 : 8

< 79:9   79:7 >

an-Nazi'at (Those Who Drag Forth, Soul-snatchers, Those Who Pulled Out) 79:8

79:8 قلوب يومئذ واجفة

TransliterationQuloobun yawma-ithin wajifatun
LiteralHearts (on) that day (are) palpitating/pounding .

Yusuf AliHearts that Day will be in agitation;
PickthalOn that day hearts beat painfully
Arberry hearts upon that day shall be athrob
ShakirHearts on that day shall palpitate,
Sarwarhearts will undergo terrible trembling,.
KhalifaCertain minds will be terrified.
Hilali/Khan(Some) hearts that Day will shake with fear and anxiety.
H/K/SaheehHearts, that Day, will tremble,
Malikand on that Day, hearts shall be pounding with terror[8]
QXPSome hearts throb on that Day.
Maulana AliHearts that day will palpitate,
Free MindsHearts on that Day will be terrified.
Qaribullah hearts will throb on that Day

George SaleOn that day men's hearts shall tremble:
JM RodwellMen's hearts on that day shall quake:-

AsadOn that Day will [men's] hearts be throbbing,

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