Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 74:29
al-Mudathir - The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing a Cloak, The Clothed One
Verse: 74 : 29

< 74:30   74:28 >

al-Mudathir (The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing a Cloak, The Clothed One) 74:29

74:29 لواحة للبشر

TransliterationLawwahatun lilbashari
LiteralShrinking/dehydrating due to fire to the human/skin.

Yusuf AliDarkening and changing the colour of man!
PickthalIt shrivelleth the man.
Arberry scorching the flesh;
ShakirIt scorches the mortal.
SarwarIt scorches people's skin
KhalifaObvious to all the people.
Hilali/KhanBurning the skins!
H/K/SaheehBlackening the skins.
MalikIt shrivels human flesh.[29]
QXPVisibly written on the tablet of an individual's life.
Maulana AliIt scorches the mortal.
Free MindsA scorcher of mankind.
Qaribullah and it burns the flesh.

George SaleIt scorcheth mens flesh:
JM RodwellBlackening the skin.

Asadmaking [all truth] visible to mortal man.

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