Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 26:221
ash-Shu`ara' - The Poets
Verse: 26 : 221

< 26:222   26:220 >

ash-Shu`ara' (The Poets) 26:221

26:221 هل انبئكم على من تنزل الشياطين

TransliterationHal onabbi-okum AAala man tanazzalu alshshayateenu
LiteralDo I inform you, on (to) whom the devils descend?

Yusuf AliShall I inform you, (O people!), on whom it is that the evil ones descend?
PickthalShall I inform you upon whom the devils descend?
Arberry Shall I tell you on whom the Satans come down?
ShakirShall I inform you (of him) upon whom the Shaitans descend?
SarwarShould I tell you to whom the satans come?.
KhalifaShall I inform you upon whom the devils descend?
Hilali/KhanShall I inform you (O people!) upon whom the Shayatin (devils) descend?
H/K/SaheehShall I inform you upon whom the devils descend?
MalikShall I tell you, O people, on whom the Satans descend?[221]
QXPShall I inform you on whom the devils descend?
Maulana AliShall I inform you upon whom the devils descend?
Free MindsShall I inform you on whom the devils descend?
Qaribullah Shall I tell you on whom the satans descend?

George SaleShall I declare unto you upon whom the devils descend?
JM RodwellShall I tell you on whom Satan descend?

Asad[And] shall I tell you upon whom it is that those evil spirits descend?

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