Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 79:23
an-Nazi'at - Those Who Drag Forth, Soul-snatchers, Those Who Pulled Out
Verse: 79 : 23

< 79:24   79:22 >

an-Nazi'at (Those Who Drag Forth, Soul-snatchers, Those Who Pulled Out) 79:23

79:23 فحشر فنادى

TransliterationFahashara fanada
LiteralSo he gathered, so he called.

Yusuf AliThen he collected (his men) and made a proclamation,
PickthalThen gathered he and summoned
Arberry then he mustered
ShakirThen he gathered (men) and called out.
Sarwarand gathered his people together
KhalifaHe summoned and proclaimed.
Hilali/KhanThen he gathered his people and cried aloud,
H/K/SaheehAnd he gathered [his people] and called out
Malikassembled his people and made a proclamation;[23]
QXPThen gathered (his chiefs) and called (his people).
Maulana AliSo he gathered and called out.
Free MindsSo he gathered and proclaimed.
Qaribullah then, he gathered, proclaimed, then said:

George Saleand he assembled the magicians, and cried aloud, saying,
JM RodwellAnd gathered an assembly and proclaimed,

Asadand then he gathered [his great ones], and called [unto his people],

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