Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 78:26
an-Naba' - The Tidings, The Announcement
Verse: 78 : 26

< 78:27   78:25 >

an-Naba' (The Tidings, The Announcement) 78:26

78:26 جزاء وفاقا

TransliterationJazaan wifaqan
LiteralA suiting/fitting reimbursement .

Yusuf AliA fitting recompense (for them).
PickthalReward proportioned (to their evil deeds).
Arberry for a suitable recompense.
ShakirRequital corresponding.
Sarwaras a fitting recompense for their deeds.
KhalifaA just requital.
Hilali/KhanAn exact recompense (according to their evil crimes).
H/K/SaheehAn appropriate recompense.
Malika fitting recompense for their deeds.[26]
QXPA befitting requital.
Maulana AliRequital corresponding.
Free MindsAn exact recompense.
Qaribullah for a suitable recompense.

George SaleA fit recompense for their deeds!
JM RodwellMeet recompense!

Asada meet requital [for their sins]!

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