Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 74:51
al-Mudathir - The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing a Cloak, The Clothed One
Verse: 74 : 51

< 74:52   74:50 >

al-Mudathir (The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing a Cloak, The Clothed One) 74:51

74:51 فرت من قسورة

TransliterationFarrat min qaswaratin
LiteralIt escaped/fled from cruelty/a lion .

Yusuf AliFleeing from a lion!
PickthalFleeing from a lion?
Arberry fleeing -- before a lion?
ShakirThat had fled from a lion?
Sarwarrunning away from a lion?.
KhalifaWho are fleeing from the lion!
Hilali/KhanFleeing from a hunter, or a lion, or a beast of prey.
H/K/SaheehFleeing from a lion?
Malikfleeing from a lion.[51]
QXPFleeing from a lion!
Maulana AliFleeing from a lion?
Free MindsRunning from the lion.
Qaribullah fleeing before a lion?

George Saleflying from a lion?
JM Rodwell fleeing from a lion?

Asadfleeing from a lion?

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