Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 74:50
al-Mudathir - The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing a Cloak, The Clothed One
Verse: 74 : 50

< 74:51   74:49 >

al-Mudathir (The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing a Cloak, The Clothed One) 74:50

74:50 كانهم حمر مستنفرة

TransliterationKaannahum humurun mustanfiratun
LiteralAs if they are frightened/running away donkeys.

Yusuf AliAs if they were affrighted asses,
PickthalAs they were frightened asses
Arberry as if they were startled asses
ShakirAs if they were asses taking fright
Sarwarlike frightened donkeys
KhalifaRunning like zebras.
Hilali/KhanAs if they were frightened (wild) donkeys.
H/K/SaheehAs if they were alarmed donkeys
MalikLike frightened donkeys[50]
QXPAs if they were frightened zebras.
Maulana AliAs if they were frightened asses,
Free MindsThey are like fleeing zebras.
Qaribullah like startled wild donkeys

George Saleas though they were timorous asses
JM RodwellAs if they were affrighted asses

Asadas though they were terrified asses

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