Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 68:19
al-Qalam - The Pen
Verse: 68 : 19

< 68:20   68:18 >

al-Qalam (The Pen) 68:19

68:19 فطاف عليها طائف من ربك وهم نائمون

TransliterationFatafa AAalayha ta-ifun min rabbika wahum na-imoona
LiteralSo a circler/walker (twister/tornado) circled/walked on them, and (while) they are sleeping/quiet/ still .

Yusuf AliThen there came on the (garden) a visitation from thy Lord, (which swept away) all around, while they were asleep.
PickthalThen a visitation from thy Lord came upon it while they slept
Arberry Then a visitation from thy Lord visited it, while they were sleeping,
ShakirThen there encompassed it a visitation from your Lord while they were sleeping.
SarwarA visitor from your Lord circled around the garden during the night while they were asleep
KhalifaA passing (storm) from your Lord passed by it while they were asleep.
Hilali/KhanThen there passed by on the (garden) something (fire) from your Lord at night and burnt it while they were asleep.
H/K/SaheehSo there came upon the garden an affliction from your Lord while they were asleep.
MalikSo a calamity from your Lord came down upon it while they slept,[19]
QXPThen a tornado from your Lord struck it while they slept.
Maulana AliBut a visitation from thy Lord came on it, while they slept.
Free MindsSo a passing sent from your Lord came to it while they all were asleep.
Qaribullah Then, a visitation from your Lord came down upon it while they slept,

George SaleWherefore a surrounding destruction from thy Lord encompassed it, while they slept;
JM RodwellWherefore an encircling desolation from thy Lord swept round it while they slumbered,

Asadwhereupon a visitation for thy Sustainer came upon that [garden] while they were asleep,

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