Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 68:18
al-Qalam - The Pen
Verse: 68 : 18

< 68:19   68:17 >

al-Qalam (The Pen) 68:18

68:18 ولايستثنون

TransliterationWala yastathnoona
LiteralAnd nor they exempt/make exception.

Yusuf AliBut made no reservation, ("If it be Allah's Will").
PickthalAnd made no exception (for the Will of Allah);
Arberry and they added not the saving words.
ShakirAnd were not willing to set aside a portion (for the poor).
Sarwarwithout adding ("if God wills").
KhalifaThey were so absolutely sure.
Hilali/KhanWithout saying: Insha Allah (If Allah will).
H/K/SaheehWithout making exception.
Malikwithout adding any reservation ( such as God willing).[18]
QXPAnd made no exception (for the needy poor).
Maulana AliAnd would not set aside a portion (for the poor).
Free MindsThey were without doubt.
Qaribullah without adding to their swearing, (Allah willing, InshaAllah).

George Saleand added not the exception, if it please God:
JM RodwellBut added no reserve.

Asadand made no allowance [for the will of God]:

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