Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 47:27
Muhammad - Muhammad
Verse: 47 : 27

< 47:28   47:26 >

Muhammad (Muhammad) 47:27

47:27 فكيف اذا توفتهم الملائكة يضربون وجوههم وادبارهم

TransliterationFakayfa itha tawaffat-humu almala-ikatu yadriboona wujoohahum waadbarahum
LiteralSo how (is it) if the angels made them die, they strike/hit their faces and their backs/ends?

Yusuf AliBut how (will it be) when the angels take their souls at death, and smite their faces and their backs?
PickthalThen how (will it be with them) when the angels gather them, smiting their faces and their backs!
Arberry How shall it be, when the angels take them, beating their faces and their backs?
ShakirBut how will it be when the angels cause them to die smiting their backs.
SarwarHow terrible it will be for them when the angels take away their souls by striking their faces and their backs.
KhalifaHow will it be for them when the angels put them to death? They will beat them on their faces and their rear ends.
Hilali/KhanThen how (will it be) when the angels will take their souls at death, smiting their faces and their backs?
H/K/SaheehThen how [will it be] when the angels take them in death, striking their faces and their backs?
MalikThen what will they do when the angels carry off their souls, smiting their faces and their backs?[27]
QXPThen how will it be when the angels gather them in death, smiting their faces and backs? (They leave the world in emotional agony for not having readied themselves for the life to come).
Maulana AliBut how will it be when the angels cause them to die, smiting their faces and their backs?
Free MindsSo how will it be when the Angels put them to death, striking their faces and their backs?
Qaribullah How shall it be when the angels (of death) take them and beat them on their face and back?

George SaleHow therefore will it be with them, when the angels shall cause them to die, and shall strike their faces, and their backs?
JM RodwellBut how? When the angels, in causing them to die, shall smite them on the face and back!

Asadhence, how [will they fare] when the angels gather them in death, striking their faces and their backs? [See note on 8:50.]

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