Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 26:120
ash-Shu`ara' - The Poets
Verse: 26 : 120

< 26:121   26:119 >

ash-Shu`ara' (The Poets) 26:120

26:120 ثم اغرقنا بعد الباقين

TransliterationThumma aghraqna baAAdu albaqeena
LiteralThen We drowned/sunk after (that) the remainders.

Yusuf AliThereafter We drowned those who remained behind.
PickthalThen afterward We drowned the others.
Arberry then afterwards We drowned the rest.
ShakirThen We drowned the rest afterwards
Sarwarand drowned the others.
KhalifaThen we drowned the others.
Hilali/KhanThen We drowned the rest (disbelievers) thereafter.
H/K/SaheehThen We drowned thereafter the remaining ones.
Malikand drowned the rest in the flood.[120]
QXPThen afterward We drowned the others.
Maulana AliThen We drowned the rest afterwards.
Free MindsThen after that We drowned the rest.
Qaribullah afterwards, We drowned the rest.

George Saleand afterwards We drowned the rest.
JM RodwellAnd afterwards we drowned the rest.

Asadand then We caused those who stayed behind to drown. [The story of Noah and his people, as well as: of the Deluge, is given in greater detail in 11:25-48.]

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