Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 26:149
ash-Shu`ara' - The Poets
Verse: 26 : 149

< 26:150   26:148 >

ash-Shu`ara' (The Poets) 26:149

26:149 وتنحتون من الجبال بيوتا فارهين

TransliterationWatanhitoona mina aljibali buyootan fariheena
LiteralAnd you actively/cleverly carve out from the mountains houses/homes.

Yusuf Ali"And ye carve houses out of (rocky) mountains with great skill.
PickthalThough ye hew out dwellings in the mountain, being skilful?
Arberry Will you still skilfully hew houses out of the mountains?
ShakirAnd you hew houses out of the mountains exultingly;
Sarwarcarving comfortable houses out of the mountains?.
Khalifa"You carve out of the mountains luxurious mansions.
Hilali/Khan"And you carve houses out of mountains with great skill.
H/K/SaheehAnd you carve out of the mountains, homes, with skill.
Malikcarving your dwellings in the mountains and leading a happy life?[149]
QXPAnd that you will always skillfully carve out of the mountains luxurious mansions?
Maulana AliAnd you hew houses out of the mountains exultingly.
Free Minds"And you carve homes out of the mountains with great skill?"
Qaribullah Will you still hew your dwellings in the mountains?

George SaleAnd will ye continue to cut habitations for your selves out of the mountains, behaving with insolence?
JM RodwellAnd, insolent that ye are, will ye hew out your dwellings in the mountains?

Asadand that you will [always be able to] hew dwellings out of the mountains with [the same] great skill?" [See note on 7:74.]

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