Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 25:76
al-Furqan - The Criterion, The Standard
Verse: 25 : 76

< 25:77   25:75 >

al-Furqan (The Criterion, The Standard) 25:76

25:76 خالدين فيها حسنت مستقرا ومقاما

TransliterationKhalideena feeha hasunat mustaqarran wamuqaman
LiteralImmortally/eternally in it, (it) became a good/beautiful position/settlement and residence .

Yusuf AliDwelling therein;- how beautiful an abode and place of rest!
PickthalAbiding there for ever. Happy is it as abode and station!
Arberry Therein they shall dwell forever; fair it is as a lodging-place and an abode.
ShakirAbiding therein; goodly the abode and the resting-place.
SarwarThey will live therein forever, the best abode and place of rest.
KhalifaEternally they abide therein; what a beautiful destiny; what a beautiful abode.
Hilali/KhanAbiding therein; excellent it is as an abode, and as a place to dwell.
H/K/SaheehAbiding eternally therein. Good is the settlement and residence.
MalikThey shall live forever in that excellent dwelling and excellent resting place![76]
QXPTherein to abide. What a goodly destiny! And what a high station!
Maulana AliAbiding therein. Goodly the abode and the resting-place!
Free MindsIn it they will abide, what an excellent dwelling and position.
Qaribullah There they shall live for ever; a fine dwelling place, and residence.

George Salethey shall remain in the same for ever: It shall be an excellent abode, and a delightful station.
JM RodwellFor ever shall they remain therein: a fair abode and resting-place!

Asadtherein to abide: [and] how goodly an abode and [how high] a station!

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